
Missional: Joining God in the Neighborhood is unavailable, but you can change that!

The missional church movement is a sign that we increasingly feel the call to impact our communities, which is a good thing. But, says Alan J. Roxburgh, these conversations still prioritize church success over mission—i.e., how can being missional grow my church? But to focus on such questions misses the point. Missional calls you to reenter your neighborhood and community to discover what the...

ambiguous and vulnerable spaces of mission that follow the contours of God’s engagements in the world. By the latter part of the first century, the heroes of that initial outburst of missionary fervor were gone. What happens when the heroes, the great figures of the faith who pioneered an immense movement of the Spirit, are gone from the stage? Where do you turn to find new heroes who can lead into the crisis-ridden future? Luke’s answer is different from anything that could have
Pages 129–130